Our Purpose

Transforming leaderships for advocating a more sustainable and equitable world.

Our Purpose​

Transforming leaderships for advocating a more sustainable and equitable world.

Lines of Action

All our actions are based on three foundations:


Women’s integral social, political, cultural, economic, and educational development allows us to build a more fair and participatory society.


Education is one of the most influential factors in societies’ progress and development. Not only does it provide knowledge, but it also enriches culture, spirit, and values.


We are facing a global call for action to end poverty, protect our planet, and improve human lives.

Our Impact

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is the second most disaster-prone region in the world and the resulting humanitarian crises. Whatever the cause, it impacts women, men, young people, girls, and boys unequally, being women and young people the most affected:

People Impacted
2.850 people
Departmental presence
20 Departments
+ 25
Projects Developed


Sustainable Development Goals

Quility Education

Gender Equility

Climate Action

Partnerships for the goals


Sarita Mora

«I have acquired new knowledge that allows me to critically analyze the reality of my territory, motivating me to move forward, looking for new opportunities, and generating alliances to achieve my goals».

Alejando Hilarión

«It doesn’t matter where we came from but rather where we want to go and our intentions with the world and others. Being part of the organization has opened my mind and allowed me to learn skills that have helped me to grow as a human being and professional».  

Maria Antonia Cardona Osorio

«I believe that every person has incredible ideas, which break through fears and transform. Wom-en allows you to be who you are and to empower every ability.»


Our projects help us to further our purpose, learn more about some of them.


Women, youth, and sustainability

Women, youth, and sustainability is a project that contributes to women and youth engagement in the development of territorial initiatives and actions framed under the 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as a strategy for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.

Your donations would impact more women and youth nationwide.

Join and Support

Our Purpose


It's time to co-create the #BigEdConversation Global Relay!

1. Choose your call: UTC 4am / 9am / 2pm / 7pm
2. Register to receive the zoom link: http://bit.ly/BECrelay
3. Send this post to a colleague or friend, inviting them to join you 🌏🌍🌎


Un poco de lo que se ha vivido en nuestro Bootcamp Jóvenes conectando propósitos y que gracias a @Comfama se hizo realidad.

